Equipment and Tech Share
A bulletin board of Adaptive gear, Tech, Books, and specialty items.
This page is a place where families can post tech or equipment to pass on to other families. Users arrange exchange and associated costs.
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child – Book
General child medical book, covering birth to 5 years old.
Good used condition. Located in Fernie.

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Caring for Your Baby and Young Child – Book
Walking Harness and Leash
Walking harness and leash used infrequently by one child. Useful children that want to elope or don’t respond to when asked to return to caregiver.
Like new condition. Located in Fernie.

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Walking Harness and Leash
Building Social Relationships – Book
This book provides information on a variety of topics including five basic tenets of social skills programming, common social skill difficulties associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), five-step model for social skills programming, assessing social functioning, distinguishing between skill acquisition deficits and performance deficits, implementing intervention strategies, and evaluating and monitoring progress.