Ben and the Dads Matter group has been a blessing to me. Ben provided me with much needed practical information and encouragement during a very stressful time. And having the support of other dads who have had their own challenges and successes made a big difference as well.
Thanks, Warren.
Dads Matter has been so impactful to me in that it shows me I am not alone. Friends and even sometimes family have no idea of the struggle it is to raise a child with a diverse ability making the road isolating and lonely. This group is empowering to be a part of because it shows me that I am not alone in raising my child.
Thanks, Ben.
The Dads’ group has been a great place to go, to get good advice, to vent, or to gain comfort. Ben is very knowledgeable and well-connected, and has helped to connect me with valuable resources. Thanks to Ben and the Dads Sunday Group, I was able to connect with a couple of dads who also have kids with special needs. Our kids can have play dates without fear of being judged.
Kind Regards, Brandon.